View single post by chickenlova
 Posted: Mon Apr 19th, 2021 01:45 pm
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Joined: Mon Apr 19th, 2021
Posts: 3
Hello. I recently decided to get back into working on vintage karts. I recently picked up a saw that has a west bend 580 on it.

My question is. Is the west bend 580 that came in chainsaws enough power for a go kart? Are they at all desirable or able to be made into a kart motor. Hoping somebody can let me know if this would be a decent motor to install on a kart or if it’s better not to install. Also wondering if I decided to go with a Mac motor is this motor or it’s parts are desirable to other karters. So that if I decide to go with a different motor wondering if I could sell it or parts to offset the cost of a mcculloch

I appreciate anybody who might hel shed some light on my questions

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