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Larc-Douglas Offyette

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Karting World magazine reviewed this kart (Dec 1960) and found it to be "impressive but not competitive". Though visually an appealing and well finished kart, it dismally failed the track test. Its plastic steering wheel flexed more than 2" in tight corners and broke by the 20th lap. The steering column, which extended more than 6 inches upward from the support hoop, bent in the second turn. Subsequently, the driver tried to rely on the sissy rails for body support in the turns (to reduce pulling on the steering wheel for support), but was promptly reminded how uncomfortable unpadded sissy rails can be. The testers experimented with several wheelbase changes via the adjustable front axle, but at best were able to obtain merely mediocre handling.

The kart had its good points: adjustable seat position and ample overall room for tall drivers; well-placed tie rods that didn't interfere with the driver's feet or legs; and good pedal and linkage design. The unique "contracting band self-energizing" brake, however, was "a disaster".

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