These last photos show the beginning of Banchi 11's return to glory.
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Ed Note:
John Newbern of Santa Rosa CA is a regular correspondent to the Vintage Karts site and has
contributed photos to Readers' Karts (including his spectacular 59 Bug wasp). Harv
Aschenbrenner, who contributed the Banchi history found elsewhere on this site, had this
to say about Gary's kart:
"It is indeed a Banchi and the last one I built. It was my personal machine that
I ran it in 1967, re-built and re-painted in 68 and sold it to Max-Torque. Don Surwall
told me that he won two nationals back to back with it."
Banchi #11, as it appeared in its original 1967 form (with yellow and white paint scheme), can be seen in the photo in that article.