It's 1958. Page 2: Go Karting - Deserts and Rivers
rcdesert01.jpg (22827 bytes)The "Let's Go Karting" article in the July 1958 issue of Rod & Custom provided "a complete rundown on what the tiny cars are all about, how they can be used, and suggestions to what the future holds." Overnight desert reliability tuns, "hare and hound" events, racing, splashing, and "just plain runnin' " were shown and discussed. The color photo at the left is taken from the cover of that issue.

The photos below are from the same article, presented with their original captions.





rcdesert02.jpg (29589 bytes)"For an overnight reliability run, the cars can carry a bedroll, sufficient gas for at least 150 miles, and a few hand tools - and a driver. Road speeds can average 30-35 mph."








rcdouse.jpg (22177 bytes)"Wham! An over-zealous rider plunges across a stream at 40 mph thoroughly dousing self and car. Group tours can be as much fun as racing, but plan your route to bypass such hazard as well-traveled highways, steep hills, long and uninteresting straight stretches and, of course, we must include rivers and streams!" [I'm not making this stuff up - Bob]








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